Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Game Counter Strike Terbaru : Global Offensive (GO) 2012

Game Counter Strike Terbaru : Global Offensive (GO) 2012 - Berita Teknologi Terbaru | Free Download Software | Gadget Terbaru - Counter Strike atau yang lebih dikenal dengan CS merupakan sebuah gamemodifikasi dari game sebelumnya, Counter Strike Half Life bergenre peperangan. Seiring berjalannya waktu, CS berkembang menjadi sebuah game yang sangat populer dan sering dimainkan oleh semua kalangan. Counter Strike (CS) menampilkan timcounter-terrorist (CT) yang akan melawan tim teroris pada serangkaian mode. Untuk bisa memenangkan pertempuran, pemain diharuskan membunuh semua anggota tim lawan. Selain itu para pemain diharuskan menjinakkan bom, menyelamatkan para sandera, serta melakukan pembunuhan rahasia.

Pada seri game Counter Strike Global Offensive 2012, game ini mendapat banyak sekali update seperti patch yang menambahkan map inferno, train, nuke. Selain itu, varian senjata juga mendapat penambahan seperti nova shotgun, bizon, serta MP7 SMGs.Global Offensive memfokuskan pada weapon recoil. Untuk mode permainan normal, sobat perlu menjalankan gambar game melalui VMWare Player dan memilih virtualke dari RAM sekitar 1,5 GB.

Game Counter Strike Terbaru : Global Offensive (GO) 2012

System Requirements :
  • Windows 7 / Vista / XP
  • Processor 3.0 GHz P4, Dual Core 2.0 (or higher) or AMD64X2 (or higher)
  • Memory 1GB XP / 2GB Vista
  • Hard Disk Space sekitar 6 GB dari jumlah space
  • Video card 128 MB atau lebih dan DirectX 9-compatible mendukung Pixel Shader 2.0b (ATI Radeon X800 or higher / NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or higher / Intel HD Graphics 2000 or higher)
  • Audio DirectX 9.0c compatible.

  1. Instal VMware Workstation v8.0.1 Full. Download disini
  2. Jalankan VMware, pada "File" menu - "Open" untuk memilih "Open image format for virtual machines" dan impor pada folder Image\CSGOBeta.ovf
  3. Mainkan game dengan sebuah shortcut pada desktop virtual machine.
 Screenshots :

screenshots game Counter Strike Terbaru Global Offensive (GO) 2012screenshots game Counter Strike Terbaru Global Offensive (GO) 2012
screenshots game Counter Strike Terbaru Global Offensive (GO) 2012screenshots game Counter Strike Terbaru Global Offensive (GO) 2012

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Tutorial download :
  1. Pilih "Download on slow speed"
  2. Setelah terbuka, terdapat dua pilihan lagi. Pilih yang paling bawah "After advertisement and 60 sec. waiting (speed ~ 50 Kbs)"
  3. Jika muncul sebuah pop up, tekan "Cancel"
  4. Terakhir, tunggu selama 60 detik. Lalu masukkan kode dari gambar captcha dan klik "Done"

C&C Tiberian Twilight

File:Command and Conquer 4 Screenshot.jpg
The gameplay in Command & Conquer 4 no longer follows the same resource-gathering dynamic as previous games in the series. In the main game mode, the player must capture control nodes scattered across a map, and retain more nodes than the enemy player, gaining enough points over time to win the match. Command & Conquer 4 utilizes class-based gameplay as well as some RPG elements.[4]
There are two playable factions: the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod. The storyline begins with the world being consumed by the rampant growth of Tiberium, which is threatening to render the earth uninhabitable. Each faction is split into three upgradeable classes: offense, defense and support, each with their own specialized focus. The classes consist mostly of their own unique units, with the only shared unit among classes being the engineer. The offense class is focused on tank-based, front-line combat, relying less on any kind of fortified emplacements or bases. The defense class is focused on infantry-based combat as well as utilization of rudimentary base defenses, and are also the only class to have access to superweapons. It is the only class that allows the player to construct buildings in order to develop their base (analogous with the previous games). The support class is focused on air-combat and specialized vehicles to traverse the environment, and is also equipped with special support powers that are used to assist teammates. As it relies on air support, the support MCVs of both factions are able to lift off in the air.[4] Command & Conquer 4 contains two non-playable factions from previous games in the Tiberium Universe: The Scrin (C&C3) and the Forgotten (Tiberian Sun), the latter of which returning as a minor part of the story as well as a neutral class on the map.[5] Command & Conquer 4 includes a total of about 90 units, including many new units and updated versions of previous Command & Conquer units.[4]
In Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight, each faction features its own campaign with the story told and played out from their perspective, each resulting in an ultimate conclusion to the Kane saga. In addition to the two brief single player campaigns, Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight features a cooperative campaign mode, which will allow multi-class play and integrated player progression. The difficulty in co-op campaign mode varies depending on the player's level, and objectives will be shared.[6] Campaigns for both factions take place simultaneously.


The prologue takes place in the year 2062, 15 years after the Tiberium Wars (which led to the invasion and defeat of the Scrin), and 10 years after the end of Kane's Wrath (where the prophet regained possession of the Tacitus). Tiberium has evolved and is spreading at such a rate that the whole planet is expected to become uninhabitable by 2068. Humanity is on the brink of extinction.[7]
At this time, the leader of the Brotherhood of Nod, Kane, heads directly to the headquarters of the Global Defense Initiative,[4] in hopes of using the Tacitus and GDI's resources to construct a worldwide Tiberium Control Network. This network will allow the spread of Tiberium to be controlled and turn Tiberium into an inexpensive power source. Even though the idea of alliance has been met with hostility (which has sparked the brief Incursion War), the two factions have nevertheless united. The campaign itself starts 15 years after the formation of the alliance, as the Tiberium Control Network nears completion. The spread of Tiberium is finally stopped, bringing optimism to the world's remaining population. However, extremists from both factions start to cause unrest, which sparks the Fourth Tiberium War.
The player takes the role of Commander Parker, a GDI military officer who receives an optical implant after his battle wounds have caused him to lose his eyesight. The player is presented with the possibility to aid either Colonel Louise James' GDI extremists or Kane's Nod Loyalist forces in the Fourth Tiberium War. Both campaigns' events are considered canon, even though some details of the characters' interactions are different.
The game's missions chronicle Kane's attempt to activate the Threshold 19, a tower constructed by Scrin aliens during the Third Tiberium War that functions like an interstellar portal. According to canon, Kane is Cain from the story Cain and Abel. He explains how he has been around for thousands of years because he is punished to walk the Earth forever after killing his brother. He is very anxious to leave Earth so he can finally rest, and he plans to bring about "ascension" by using the tower. He claims to have used the Tacitus to help create both the Tiberium Control Network and the optical implants; these are, in fact, the keys to the activation of the tower. While the GDI and the Nod finally form an alliance, two groups of separatists desperately try to spark a war to stop (or punish) Kane. The madman Gideon leads the Nod separatists, while Colonel Louise James commands the GDI.
After the final battle for the Threshold 19, Kane is about to leave Earth using the Scrin tower. He convinces Commander Parker (the player) to activate it for him with the optical implant, as the four other implant recipients have been hunted down and killed by Gideon. The player is mortally wounded by Colonel James but nonetheless succeeds in activating the portal. In both campaigns, Kane promptly thanks the player before entering it. Commander Parker soon succumbs to his wounds and dies. The Tiberium growth recedes following the complete activation of Tiberium Control Network as Kane fulfills his "ascension". In the ending cut-scene, news channels announce that all the Nod followers have strangely disappeared as well after entering the Scrin tower, which shows that Kane's promise of ascension for all of the Brotherhood of Nod is, at least partially, real.

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

PC Gamer Club

Red Alert 3 tetap memelihara ini mekanik RTS dari seri Command & Conquer. Antar Faksi mengumpulkan sumber daya untuk membuat markas militer dan pasukannya. Strukturnya dangkal tetapi memiliki tech tree yang lebar dengan variasi unit dan senjata super yang sukar dipahami. Tipe senjata terspesialisasi sampai titik dimana seorang tentara dapat bertahan dari serangan langsung kanon antii-tank. Penambahan unsur Red Alert 3 yang paling terlihat adalah tambahan faksi Empire of the Rising Sun, mirip dengan Tiberium Wars yang menambahkan faksi Scrin, campaign yang butuh kerjasama, dan peperangan laut.

Campaign "single-player" sekarang membutuhkan kerjasama. Setiap misi dimainkan bersama dengan satu sekutu. Ketika dimainkan secara online, sekutunya adalah pemain manusia lain. Jika offline sekutu dikendalikan oleh komputer. Setiap tim berbagi penghasilan yang sama dan secara umum mulai dengan pasukan yang sama. Karakter yang dikendalikan computer bisa diberikan perintah yang sangat sederhana, seperti pergi ke posisi yang spesifik, atau menyerang targer spesifik. Campaign mempunyai sembilan misi untuk setiap faksi. Setiap jalan cerita faksi saling berhubungan (mutually exclusive),tidak seperti Tiberium Warspendahulu dan paket ekspansi penerusnya, tetapi seperti permainan Command & Conquer lain.
Peperangan laut ditekankan sebagai alternatif penyerang baris depan. Executive producer Chris Corry menyatakan bahwa banyak unit tempur sekarang bisa amfibi, menukar efektifitas dengan fleksibilitas yang meningkat. Bangunan dan keseluruhan markas dapat dibangun diatas air, dan hanya tertentu yang tidak bisa seperti fasilitas unit darat,[14] dan pemain yang "menghiraukan laut [adalah] kehilangan bagian penting dari potensi ekonominya atas musuhnya." Meskipun begitu ada beberapa peta campaign yang keseluruhan berbasis darat, tetapi peta multiplayer memiliki laut yang cukup luas dipeta tersebut.
The use of naval units and various unit abilities also helped stop players from sticking to one unit and constructing large amounts of (or spamming) them early game.[rujukan?] This was a standard strategy for Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars/Kane's Wrath, where players would try to build more of one unit faster than their opponent.[rujukan?]Kemampuan mengendalikan kemampuan sekunder secara manual adalah umum di tiap faksi dan tiap unit dalam permainan. Penggunaannya bervariasi: adanya yang seperti saklar mati atau nyala, yang lain harus menarget musuh, dan yang lain bisa dipicu hanya dengan satu kali memencet tombol. Kendaraan konstuksi Jepang bisa membangun/menyebar pada lokasi yang spesifik, seorang wamil (Conscript) Uni Soviet bisa mengganti senjata dengan cepat, dan satuan artileri Allied bisa menggunakan perisainya dengan memencet tombol tetapi ada periode cooldown sebelum bisa digunakan kembali. Semua kemampuan diakses dengan memencet tombol yang sama. Permain ini juga menghadirkan poin experience yang bisa digunakan untuk menggupgrade tipe unit dan membeli "commander abilities," dimana bisa memanggil serangan udara, melihat peta (recon sweeps), sorotan satelit magnetik (magnetic satellite beams),dll. Kemampuan komandan tidak membutuhkan biaya sumber daya tetapi memiliki periode cooldown yang signifikan.
Situs ladang bijih (ore field) sebagai sumber daya dihilangkan di permainan ini. Ini berasal dari Red Alert pertama yang mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan tiberium, dan disini digantikan dengan tambang kecil yang seolah-olah memiliki bijih yang keluar dari tanah. Mekanik permainan ini tidak memiliki perubahan yang besar karena ladang bijih digantikan oleh tambang bijih kecil. Penempatan penyulihan-biji memiliki dampak yang besar dalam permainan ini.